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Dec 13, 20152 min read
Please Note…….
There WILL be MANY times when you feel alone…you know…like your friends “ain’t yo friends.” Like…your phone must be broken because you...
Apr 18, 20142 min read
Oh How He Loves You and Me…..
Jesus sat at the table with Judas KNOWING that he would betray Him. Judas was, in a sense, chosen to head the ultimate plot. I mean,...

Jan 10, 20142 min read
Thee Proverbs 31 Woman…..
The ideal woman…right?!? I mean you just can’t get much better…right?!? The Bible says that “her price is far above rubies.” But even...

Jan 8, 20143 min read
That Thing Called Purpose…..
Anyhoo…I’ve recently been on a journey. No, I didn’t leave the country, state, or even the city…but I left my comfort zone. If you know...
Nov 30, 20125 min read
I Was THAT Girl…..
Never good enough…just not quite pretty enough…not tall enough but just a tad too short…just shy of smart enough…not skinny enough yet...
Jul 12, 20122 min read
Want it…go get it!!!
Had an “AH HA” moment the other day…I mean it’s a given but I had to really catch it…people will work for what they want. If you want...
May 15, 20123 min read
Allow me to reintroduce myself………
Nope…not HOV…sorry for the confusion. It’s just me…but it’s really me this time……….. No imitation…no replica…no mask…no disguise…no...
May 11, 20122 min read
Patience…the impossible virtue…???
Patient: bearing pains or trials calmly or without complaint… I know…I know…enough with the definitions. But I need to know what these...
May 10, 20123 min read
Finally Free…..
Free: Not imprisoned or enslaved; being at liberty. Very recently, I learned the meaning of the word “free”…not just the definition…the...
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