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Read All About It
Aug 7, 20164 min read
Heeeeyyyyy and happy SONday to ya!!! I’m back with another story to tell…….. So…the other day (last Thursday, to be exact), I went to...

Jul 23, 20161 min read
Hey y’all!!! I hope your Friday has been going amazingly well…and if not, I pray that it makes a massive turn around for the better!!!...

Jul 18, 20162 min read
Input: 1. what is put in, taken in, or operated on by any process or system. 2. a place where, or a device through which, energy or...

Jun 27, 20161 min read
Let There Be…….
Love you all! Ms. A.M.White #Inspiration #Encouragement #DailyInspiration #Life #Truth

Jun 20, 20164 min read
Sooooo. I set out over the past few weeks and found nothing. My last effort came on Saturday…the day of the white party…I know, I know,...
Jun 16, 20164 min read
This morning, well, yesterday morning now, I read Leviticus chapter one. This chapter speaks on the requirements and specifics that God...
Jun 5, 20165 min read
So, Friday, I went to The Flying Cupcake because it was National Donut Day and there weren’t any bakeries around that had gluten free...

May 22, 20164 min read
The Thing Is……
This year, in our kindergarten classes, we had the opportunity to watch caterpillars go through “the process.” The teachers ordered...

May 19, 20163 min read
“She Laughs.”
Sarah laughed…first, because her heart, her soul, her being, felt that it was too late for God to do what He said He’d do for her…through...
Feb 9, 20165 min read
I had one of “those days!” You know…”those days”…the ones that that just don’t seem to go as planned? “Those days” that feel like they...

Jan 19, 20162 min read
Rest…..cease work or movement in order to relax, refresh oneself, or recover strength: “And on the seventh day God ended his work which...
Dec 29, 20152 min read
Proverbs 3:6
“In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3:6 Acknowledge: 1. accept or admit the existence or truth...

Dec 22, 20153 min read
Let. It. GO!
Today I read something…something that struck a chord…something that made complete sense…something that was CLEARLY posted JUST FOR ME! I...

Dec 21, 20154 min read
“We Choose Our Attitudes!”
I learned that, in order to be most effective, even if you are in a disagreeable situation, your attitude MUST be in check at ALL TIMES. ...
Dec 13, 20152 min read
Please Note…….
There WILL be MANY times when you feel alone…you know…like your friends “ain’t yo friends.” Like…your phone must be broken because you...
Apr 20, 20153 min read
I won’t sit here and claim that I get approached all the time or that every guy and his brother notices me. Nope…I’m not that one. But,...
Apr 18, 20142 min read
Oh How He Loves You and Me…..
Jesus sat at the table with Judas KNOWING that he would betray Him. Judas was, in a sense, chosen to head the ultimate plot. I mean,...

Feb 10, 20142 min read
I….am a gift. One that only God could give and only heaven could deliver. I mean that…in the most humble, non-self centered, grateful...

Jan 10, 20142 min read
Thee Proverbs 31 Woman…..
The ideal woman…right?!? I mean you just can’t get much better…right?!? The Bible says that “her price is far above rubies.” But even...

Jan 8, 20143 min read
That Thing Called Purpose…..
Anyhoo…I’ve recently been on a journey. No, I didn’t leave the country, state, or even the city…but I left my comfort zone. If you know...
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