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Aug 3, 20202 min read
I'll Be Straight With Ya...
Do you want the absolute truth? Okay, here it is: There are some things that you will never be ready for. Yep, you heard it from me...

Sep 24, 20193 min read
Good Grief...
... or not so good. Learning to live with grief, is one of the absolute hardest lessons a person can ever experience. There are moments...

Feb 28, 20194 min read
I like deals and sales… especially on clothing. I use coupons and I shop bargains. One day, in particular, I was ordering something...

Jan 31, 20193 min read
Well, since it is officially past my bedtime, I suppose now’s the perfect time to share. Lol. “Don’t call it a comeback!” HA! I know it’s...

Oct 22, 20183 min read
Hey y’all, I hope everyone is doing alright on this awesome Sunday evening. 😊 Mmmkay… so, I recently started getting my “nails did”…...

Sep 27, 20184 min read
“Did you get the stinger out?”
A couple weeks ago, I was outside talking with my bro and sis and I was stung by a bee. I was devastated, and I made sure that they knew...

Aug 15, 20184 min read
Plate Full
I like food… it’s good. But, I don’t like my food to touch; that’s a big no no! Sometimes, I even go to the extent of not having all the...

Aug 9, 20183 min read
Not Seen.
Tonight, as I was writing and flipping through one of my current notebooks (I write in like 3 at a time… so what… LOL), I came across...

Jul 27, 20183 min read
Best Friend
I know… I know… where the heck have I been. Well, everywhere and nowhere at all. Lol. Anyhoo…. Sorry. Buuuuutttt here we go….. Best...

May 8, 20184 min read
The Finale.
So, I’ve decided that I don’t need to be lazy any longer (eye roll) and that I need to resume my workouts. Uh Huh….. mmmkay. I pulled out...

Apr 18, 20182 min read
Dust Bunnies
Now, when I think of a bunny, I think of the cute, hopping, furry baby rabbit animal with two long ears. I also think of a nickname that...

Apr 17, 20184 min read
Choose You.
Do any of y’all remember being in elementary school and playing dodge ball, or any of those playground games that required teams? I can...

Apr 1, 20183 min read
Heeeeyyyyy y’all!!! I’m back… during my favorite writing hour: BEDTIME! Even more so because I had caffeine at about 7:30 pm (I had to, I...

Jan 27, 20183 min read
Tailor Made.
My dad is a tailor and he has has been my entire life, and even before I was born. In fact, he’s still the only one allowed to alter any...

Jan 11, 20183 min read
Green Light
Hey y’all! How are ya??? (feel free to reply with a comment here or on social media.) So this evening, as I was driving to the grocery...

Dec 30, 20174 min read
Just take the land.
I read the first chapter of the book of Deuteronomy the other day, where Moses reminded the Children of Israel of how bad they messed...

Dec 26, 20173 min read
Christmas Cleaning.
This past Friday evening, I checked the schedule on my phone, as I often do, and noticed that there wasn’t a “dot” on my Saturday. Now,...

Dec 19, 20173 min read
Hey y’all!!! Okay, earlier today, I had a bit if a convo with God. You know, one of those “but Jesus I’m trying really hard” convos. ...

Dec 10, 20173 min read
I’m a writer. I think that’s a given. But anyhoo, I’m a writer who writes what God gives. Now, I am in no way implying that no one...

Dec 4, 20173 min read
I Kinda Hate Poinsettias….
My paternal grandmother, Hessie Lee Hanks (we called her La La), lived with us for a few years of my childhood, until she passed. She was...
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