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Read All About It

Aug 9, 20183 min read
Not Seen.
Tonight, as I was writing and flipping through one of my current notebooks (I write in like 3 at a time… so what… LOL), I came across...

Apr 1, 20183 min read
Heeeeyyyyy y’all!!! I’m back… during my favorite writing hour: BEDTIME! Even more so because I had caffeine at about 7:30 pm (I had to, I...

Jan 27, 20183 min read
Tailor Made.
My dad is a tailor and he has has been my entire life, and even before I was born. In fact, he’s still the only one allowed to alter any...

Jan 11, 20183 min read
Green Light
Hey y’all! How are ya??? (feel free to reply with a comment here or on social media.) So this evening, as I was driving to the grocery...

Dec 26, 20173 min read
Christmas Cleaning.
This past Friday evening, I checked the schedule on my phone, as I often do, and noticed that there wasn’t a “dot” on my Saturday. Now,...

Dec 19, 20173 min read
Hey y’all!!! Okay, earlier today, I had a bit if a convo with God. You know, one of those “but Jesus I’m trying really hard” convos. ...

Nov 5, 20174 min read
Gimme Some Mo’
Hey y’all!!! Yes… yes… I know it’s beyond bedtime AND the time changed on me AND tomorrow is Sunday, which means CHUUUURRRRCH!!! I am SO...

Oct 29, 20173 min read
Is this all you got???
Bedtime Blogging……… Because I should DEFINITELY be sleeping but I have plenty to say….. uhmmm…. type. Mmmkay, in the book of Numbers,...

Oct 21, 20173 min read
A Very Dead Plant…..
Oh….hey y’all! Happy Saturday to ya! I pray that your day is going AMAZINGLY! 😉 Okay…so the reason for my post today is this...

Oct 19, 20174 min read
“I’ll just have the fries…..”
So…..a couple weeks ago, I was at work and one of the girls I work with had some chicken and fries from this chicken joint in town. You...

Sep 3, 20173 min read
Carry That Elephant!
I.….am carrying an elephant! It’s heavy, huge, and I’ve been carrying it for a while now. I’ve decided to name her Ellie (cute huh?) I...
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