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Hey y’all!!!  I hope your Friday has been going amazingly well…and if not, I pray that it makes a massive turn around for the better!!! (I mean that)

Okay…so…the reason we’re all gathered here, like this, again….mmmkay…it all started with an episode of ‘Super Why!’, you know, the PBS Kids show.  Well, ‘mi familia’ is in town for my dad’s 85th

birthday (insert praise here) and my nephew (the toddler person) is obsessed with the show.  Yesterday, I pulled out my laptop and turned it on for him and one the the episodes caught my attention…just a little though…not enough to cause me to stop and REALLY listen.  Later on, I needed him to sit still so that I could braid his hair (my bro and sis haven’t cut it yet) and I figured it would work.  I turned on the show and began braiding.  Coincidentally, it was the same episode from earlier.  In this episode, Princess Pea was watching a chrysalis outside in her garden and wanted the butterfly to emerge right then.  Whyatt tried convincing her that it would take time.  So, when he couldn’t convince her, he decided they should read a story about a caterpillar.  The story was about Tilden, an anxious caterpillar that was so excited to be a butterfly that he wanted to become one at once.  He was so ready to become a butterfly that he could taste it (no, they didn’t say that in the story).  Of course, they helped Tilden find out what he had to do in order to become a butterfly.  The team found a chrysalis hanging from a branch and they researched what it was.  Once the knew, they let Tilden know what he needed to do in order to become a butterfly.  Tilden understood that he had to make a chrysalis and he needed to find a place to do so.  The super readers spelled “branch” so that he would have a place to hang.  This was his work…just as we must work in order to emerge from where we are to become what we are to be.  James 2:26 says “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also.” Again, Tilden was still impatient, as we often are.  He thought that he would immediately become a butterfly once he made this chrysalis.  Enter Super Why and the why writer to figure out the message Tilden needs read in order to know the process for turning into a butterfly.  The message read: “In order to turn into a butterfly, Tilden must wait.”  By 

this time, I was paying attention.  I heard it loud and clear…”In order to turn into a butterfly, Alecia must wait!”  And then, this cacooned (hush, I like the word) caterpillar spoke my very thoughts, “but it’s hard to wait!”  Aaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!  It is… is SO hard to wait!  I know you feel the same way too.  I kept watching…and braiding…and then there it was… ever hear a song that just speaks to your situation or the lesson you’re currently learning???  Well…these Super Why babies decided to sing a song to help Tilden get through his “process” and it blessed my ENTIRE life!  “Waiting can be hard. Waiting can be tough. But you’ll be glad you waited, Cause good things take time.”   **insert ugly cry here** (No…I didn’t at that moment)

Mmmkay, after all of that learning with Tilden, Princess Pea still needed to get her answer (you know, cause like us…she didn’t catch it when it was for someone else even though it was loud and clear…she even led the song…tsk).  They went back to the “super duper computer” to get their super story answer.  I

waited until they spelled it out…they literally spelled it out…and there it was…plain as day.  The key to getting what I need…the answer to my question of “when?” and “how long?”  It was given to me by little ones on a preschool aged PBS program.  One that I ONLY watched at the time because I needed my nephew to cooperate.  They told me what God needs from me and what I need to do in order to be more cooperative with His plan for my life.  And notice that it is in all capital letters (I always feel like someone is yelling at me when words are in all caps).  “BE PATIENT” right there on the screen for me to see.  And now, it is here for you to see and take in.  Be patient.  It will be worth it…remember the little ditty (I like that word, ditty) that they sang…”good things take time.”  And I don’t know about you, but I want ALLLLLLL the good things that God has for me.  ALL OF THEM!!! (yes, that was me yelling that for you to hear.)  “Wait on the Lord: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord.” (Psalms 27:14)  Notice that the scripture doesn’t say, “wait on your friends” or “wait on your boss” or “wait on your boo”, but it says “wait on the Lord.”  I have learned that any time the Lord has me to wait, He makes it worth the time spent.

So..PLEASE wait and PLEASE “BE PATIENT”…you’ll be glad you did because “good things take time.”  And I know you want YOUR good things!

Here are a few “wait” scriptures for the road…………

“Wait on the Lord, and keep his way, and he shall exalt thee to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it.” Psalms 37:34

“The Lord is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.” Lamentations 3:25

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31


Love you all!

Ms. A.M.White

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