Today…is Tuesday, September 12th. And, on today, I didn’t have ANY coffee, today of ALL DAYS…I didn’t have ANY coffee. Like, I even woke up in a slight daze and I walked past my coffee pot and didn’t even say “hello”. I forgot to eat breakfast, and I couldn’t figure out what pants to wear (sassy or fancy…j/k). As I was
driving to work, a truck tried to drive in my lane, WHILE I WAS STILL IN IT! After I pulled into the lot at work, I parked next to a young man that looked as if he was ready to pull off so I decided to not to hold him up and to get my things from the passenger side of my car. I opened my door, pushed the “lock” button on my key fob, and threw my keys into my purse. As soon as I got out and closed the door, I realized that I’d locked my keys inside, along with ALL MY STUFF. I then broke a nail while trying to find an alternate way into my car (of course there was no other way….), not sure what I was thinking. I
had a ton of work to do so I worked as I called roadside assistance (cause I have that). The guy I spoke with was pretty rude…way too early for that (especially because I didn’t have my coffee). I worked….and waited about an hour before someone came to get my car unlocked. I had a couple accounting fixes to get done….ones that I had NO IDEA how to fix but I had to figure it out anyway. I had so much work to do that I missed my 12:30pm boot camp workout. I had chili for lunch but I’d eaten the remainder of the Doritos last night. I went to Target to get my FAVORITE lip balm and they were out (Target is the only place that I know of selling it…btw). After I was done with work, I didn’t have time to go home so I had to wait until after rehearsal to eat dinner. I went to Walmart and as I was checking out, the guy behind me couldn’t wait until I was finished with the self check out and he began ringing up his items before I could put all of mine in the grocery bag. By the time I got home, all I had energy to eat was cereal…Cheerios to be exact…with a banana. All the makings of a “Terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day!” (c’mon…I know y’all remember that story…LOL). AND I DIDN’T HAVE MY COFFEE!!! What the heck was I thinking????
BUT…..BEFORE ALL OF THIS OCCURRED…..before I missed my coffee or locked my keys in my car or even ate the cereal, I woke up and thanked God for another day. I got out of my bed, fell to my knees, and I prayed. This morning, I took a shower and got dressed
for work and I heard God say, “Baby girl, slow down, have a seat, and read My word.” So, I sat down on my bed and opened my bible. God directed me to read Jeremiah 1:5, 7-8 and HE TOOK THE TIME to remind me that all He has set me to do, I am fully capable, through Him. Everything that He has called me to do, I am “old enough”, equipped enough, and skilled enough to handle. God took time out of HIS SCHEDULE to tell me, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” (Jeremiah 1:5 NKJV…that’s the version I read for breakfast.)
BEFORE I crossed the threshold to leave my apartment, I read the sticky note on my door that says, “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19) God let me know that no matter what I was up against today, He gave me authority over it….EVERY situation! I learned, today, that I really do have the power to take authority over the atmosphere and I have the authority to impose my positive attitude on others. I walked in and explained my car situation to my boss and all she could do was to tell me how impressed she was with the level of calm that I displayed. God let me know that getting worked up would only cause me to take my focus off of Him.
Today…is Tuesday, September 12th. And today, God gave me peace beyond my comprehension. “And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:7) He became my strength at times when I could have easily gotten upset and lost my cool. “God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.” (2 Samuel 22:33) My spending time with God caused my light to shine beyond what was going on with and around me. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16) Jesus did all of this FOR ME…even though I didn’t have my coffee. He’s a mighty good God!!! (funny but so serious…coffee helps me “adult”)
Look…all I’m trying to say to you is that you don’t have to allow things or people to ruin your day. How many times has that “one thing” happened at 8:00am and your entire day was shot after that??? Well, I know you get in a rush sometimes…often…but don’t neglect that time with God. When you speak to Him first thing in the morning…when you really talk to Him and listen to Him, you give Him that space to “remind” you throughout the day. Those times when you’d like to “go off” or stress out can be filled with Him talking you through every situation. All those things that occurred in my day…in your day…are conditional. They don’t have to follow you into tomorrow…no need for them to. They are now in the past and you can move forward. You have way too much to do for you to be stuck on what “she said” at 9:23 this morning.

So, tomorrow, “slow down, have a seat” and read God’s word. Allow Him to start your day off right. I’m sure that had I not taken heed to His instructions, I would have cried a few tears, gotten HANGRY (cause hanger is real), and probably not have gotten my work done. Trust Him……He can handle it!
Love y’all….I’m tired….goodnight,
Ms. A.M.White