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Happy Birthday Tooooo MEEEEE!!!

Hey all!!!  Happy Monday and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! 🙂

I said that I’d share why I get so excited about my birthday and a few lessons that I’ve learned over the years.  Soooooo… goes…..

Reasons I’m bonkers for my birthday……now, I’m sure that many believe it to be so that I can get gifts or attention but really, I get satisfaction from counting down and celebrating. I’m a slight brat so I don’t really get bothered by the lack of gifts but I simply enjoy the acknowledgment that it’s MY DAY!!! Here are a few reasons why…..

I know that I have birthday twins and such but my birthday is MY day. Hear me out…most of my life is basically dedicated to other people…and I’m good with that…it’s a calling and a big part of my purpose. Take a look at what I do for a living, I’m a paraprofessional…a teacher aide. I serve, not only the students, but the teacher as well.  Outside of the school setting, I do administrative work where I assist a few others in carrying out their purpose and being more organized. And, not to mention the importance of me being around my family. So you see, I take this one day as my own…my birthday is MY DAY!  I don’t even expect a lot, in fact, I don’t think people get very excited with me but I reserve the right to call it MINE. 🙂

  1. It’s a reminder that doctors cannot dictate or destroy God’s plan.

So, growing up, my dad would always tell the story of mine and my younger brother’s birth. We called it the “9 Month” story (there’s a reason for that…I did a post a couple years ago about it…maybe I’ll re-share one day soon). Anyhoo…we used to laugh when he told it…not because it was funny…but because we knew it and could recite it verbatim. Well,the very shortened, condensed, no information version is that the doctors told my mom that she would NEVER be able to have anymore children after my older sister and even after my birth, there were unable to explain it. So, I figure that I should definitely be excited about a day that medically, should have NEVER happened. In short, I celebrate a day that they said, could NEVER happen.

  1. It’s a reason to celebrate!

Yes…yes…I know, celebrations can happen for any reason or none at all but birthdays are a good excuse. And I picked mine to be the best excuse! So, I countdown, I make a big deal, and I listen to the Beatle’s Birthday song EVERY YEAR!!! and I grin from ear to ear with EVERY birthday wish I receive.

  1. I get to eat birthday cake.

MY BIRTHDAY CAKE! MY CANDLES! MY SPRINKLES! I only ask for one thing that NEVER changes…EVERY YEAR…THE SAME THING…and that is my cake. It MUST BE white cake with vanilla butter cream icing AND sprinkles. NO replacements, NO exceptions, NO excuses! And I’m a brat about it too.  😉

Now…a few life lessons that you may take with you or just read them because they’re here……


Sure, I have friends (not many), I even have a best friend, but none like Jesus! Times when nobody answers their phone or I KNOW they’ll NEVER get my point of view, He’s there to listen. In fact, we’ve gotten so close that, sometimes, He answers before I can fully formulate my thought. And…if that isn’t enough…He cares about me more that anyone I will ever know. Yep…had to learn that one for myself.

“Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you.” John 15:15

  1. God’s plan and purpose for my life really are better than the blueprint that I drew for myself!

If you’re anything like me, you had (you may still HAVE) a strategic plan for your life. Mine had a time line and everything. When I rededicated my life to Christ, He changed ALL OF THAT, without my permission…well…I guess once I gave it all to Him, that was permission. But you know what I mean, I was still counting on that plan. He destroyed it and I am SO GLAD that He did because I’d be stuck in it and looking for a way out.  There is NOTHING like the will of God!

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.” Isaiah 55:9

  1. Just because others don’t share in my excitement, DOES NOT mean that it’s not important!

I used to have the toughest time with this one. Now, I know it seems simple, but it wasn’t for me. When others didn’t share in my interests or jump for joy about the same things that I did, I would feel like maybe…just maybe…they were irrelevant. Mainly because it seemed that everyone else’s interests lined up or were at least similar, but mine were out in left field (compared to theirs). I suppose I just kinda felt left out. It’s kind of like when you were little and if your friend didn’t want to play your game, you were sad…but you still wanted to play with them. But now, I get excited over some of the craziest things…BECAUSE I CAN! (try me)

“But let the righteous be glad; let them rejoice before God: yea, let them exceedingly rejoice.” Psalms 68:3

  1. I AM AWESOME!!!

And I mean that in the most humble, down to earth, “you are too” kind of way. But I had to learn that I am…well…pretty great. Now, you may be looking at your screen sideways but you are great too. It was one of those confidence things that I couldn’t shake. I struggled terribly with it…I’d look in the mirror and be angry at what I saw. But God had to let me know that if I was created in His image and after His likeness then I must be pretty alright.

“I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.”  Psalms 139:14

  1. The skills and gifts that I possess are illuminated greatest when I turn them over to Christ!

Over the years, I have learned what I am to do with my life as well as the capabilities that God has placed within me to get it done. There was a time when I didn’t want to do what I do because of the responsibility that came with it all. There have even been times when I wondered if anyone would ever notice what I did and the effort that I put into it. But, over time, I allowed God to show me that what I do is for His glory and He will me the way He sees fit. And you know what…I’m good with that!

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.”  1 Corinthians 15:58

  1. If you can’t pray for me, we CANNOTbe friends!

This one is HUGE! I mean the others are as well, but this one………..

You see, I pray…I talk to God…I converse with Him…we hang…and if you can’t say a little “Lord help her” when I’m having a tough time, then He doesn’t want you in my circle. I mean…what can you REALLY do for me if you are unable to pray for me. Now, I’m not trying to sound mean or cruel, but this is real life here! What you do, as my friend, affects me and there may be times when I just need an extra “bless her” coming my way.

“We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to lease ourselves. Romans 15:1

  1. I live for an audience of ONE!!!

The ONE who created me…..I had to learn that the only opinion that counts, is that of Jesus Christ. Nobody could make or break me and nobody could send me to heaven or hell. Even with growing up in church, I had to learn it for myself. There have been SO MANY times that I’ve tried to alter my actions based on what I thought others would like but I had to learn that I DON’T CARE! Don’t get me wrong, I listen to opinions and I’m fine with criticism (constructive), but I am not going to sulk over what anyone thinks. In fact, caring about others’ opinions and living for them are TOTALLY DIFFERENT THINGS. And, in a way, I was living for approval from everyone but THE ONE.

“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”  Ephesians 2:10

So…there’s my heart for today…

Love you all and HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!

Ms. A.M.White

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