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I like deals and sales… especially on clothing. I use coupons and I shop bargains. One day, in particular, I was ordering something online and as I headed to the website, a box popped up letting me know that If I were to subscribe by entering my email address, I would get a 20% off coupon in my inbox. Did I do it??? You bet I did! And with no hesitation. After entering my email address, I waited just enough time for that coupon to hit my inbox and I added that beloved coupon code to my shopping cart. **sweet victory**

Here’s where my story changes… after a few weeks, I kept receiving emails from this company. Everyday, I’d receive an update on sales, or just to say “hey, we miss your money” (not really what it said, but close). I grew tired of the clutter, especially because I set up my email on my phone, so I’d go checking thinking I was missing an important

message and all twenty-seven were just annoyances from my online shopping. What did I do? I went scrolling through the latest email message and found the “Unsubscribe” button. Yep… and you know what? It solved that problem. But you know what else? It didn’t solve it right away. Nope… it took 7-10 business days for them to “update my preferences” but it was worth the wait.

What am I saying to you? No, I am not telling you to go on an “unsubscribe” spree from all those extra savings you signed up for (although, a good sweep might be good for that storage space). What I am saying is that this “unsubscribe” thing works in life situations as well. I know it sounds easier that it really is but the after effects on your mind and heart will be worth that letting go. Unsubscribe from what? You know… I’m glad you asked. Unsubscribe from that toxic relationship you’ve been in for years; and I don’t just mean romantically, although those are definitely included. Some of us have friends that mean us no harm but do us no good. We allow them to dump their problems onto to us as if we do the weekly pick up with the garbage service, but they never have the capacity to pour back into us when we are drained. Some of us have friends that always need stuff, even when we don’t have it to give. Unsubscribe from that job that has you stressing out and sick all the time. The one that pays well but places the entire work load on you. Yep… that job. Unsubscribe from the “gossip column” that you read into everyday causing you to know other folk’s business and look at them sideways instead of praying for them. Unsubscribe from using your time to work on everybody’s stuff but your own (a lesson I’ve learned myself). Unsubscribe from that spirit of fear that is causing you not to move forward in your call.

See, we are to be good stewards over our time which means, we must manage it wisely and not allow others to waste it. We do enough to sabotage ourselves, we don’t need help from others. The key is to value yourself. When you know your worth, you won’t let others short change you, this includes how you spend your time. Once you seek God on your purpose and why He chose you, you will have no choice but to treat life differently. God wants to give us more, but He must be able to trust us to use it the way it was intended. Don’t be like the servant in Matthew chapter 25 and hide the talents that God gave you, invest them wisely. What does that have to do with unsubscribing? Well, when you are so involved in things that “clutter your inbox”, you easily lose sight of what you are actually supposed to be doing. You won’t invest your time wisely. You won’t value the time that you have, and you will claim that there are never enough hours in the day. Remember this… God would not instruct you to do it if He didn’t plan to give you the time to complete it (another lesson I’ve learned). Jesus lets us know, in Luke 6:10, “He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much.”

You must also care enough about your mental health and spiritual well-being to step away from things that will only negatively add to the load you already carry. It is so easy to be the “go to” friend… trust me… I know. You want to be helpful and you want to be there but pay close attention to what is “clutter”. I read something the other day that said, “everyone is not your assignment.” This is so true, we get so involved in other’s lives sometimes that we never step back enough to figure out if we were invited by God to their situations. Sometimes that step back will lead us to “unsubscribing”. Matthew 6:33 says “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Seek God first and He will reveal the rest and that includes the “who” as well as the “what”. And, just like that 7-10 business days that I had to wait, it may take time for your “preferences” to be adjusted. We often “subscribe” to things for so long that when we begin to go without them, it’s hard and we go through withdrawals. Please note that as you step away, everything that you feel you want isn’t necessarily what you need. When people stop drinking and decide to quit using drugs, they still desire to have it. The longer you stay away, the less you will desire it… including those unfavorable situations in your life.

We always talk about how short life is. Well, life is too short to be dealing with gossip, bad relationships, hatred, under/overcooked meals, obnoxiously late clients, disrespectful conversations, missed naps, “wyd” texts, icing-less cupcakes… ALL OF IT! Unsubscribe from it all!!! (Bwahahahaha… sorry… Lol!)

But really though… Value your time and protect your peace.

Love y’all (I really do!)

Ms. A.M.White


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